Friday, December 31, 2010

and its another special.. New Year's One...

new year '10,class list,classmates,sis and bro's, valentines, school event, hari guru, performance, NTS School, State Camp, the scandal of 4B, mid year exam, add maths :(, moral??.. distraction,motivation,mommy, physics,library,my dai lou, DG Food Court, perhimpunan, MERE-PIYA..=D.. fashion show??.. pelantikan, a peek to school majalah, kenny rogers, pn wong retirement =(, shocking odds, sir mark drill, 2 minute lunch, midnight star jumps, 60 pumps for a watch, me white band..=/, chinese acrobats, penyampaian hadiah, the most epic tease, random stuff from Alyson, bieber fever(insulting him), sukan day, final year exam, Deck The Trees, lotsa snow, lotsa kids,lotsa fun, christmas virtual countdown, DD '10, small boy call Daniel..=P, new age cartoons, mailed results, class list next year, new year '11 in 8 hours...

That's 2010, simplified.. =)

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

If i could pop all these with you... wouldn't that be great??

Friday, December 24, 2010

The Christmas Special... 2010..

This Christmas its a season for giving...
well, I dont exactly have presents... but tagging you in these notes may do...
so here its goes..=D

The Foo's (only one)

Amanda: my soul sis!! XD... Its a very merry Christmas to you... recess wont be same without you ya'know... looking forward to be classmates next year... cheers.. =D

The Teh's

Danzel: dai lou!!.. =D... Merry Christmas.. next year tugas same day kay??? xD.. Have a good Christmas..=P

Sheng Hui: Merry Christmas to you!!.. dono wat to say..haha.. have a good Christmas!! xD

Sheng Jian: Ah Jian, merry Christmas!!.. next year go UK dont forget us ar?? xD..

The Chow's(only one.. and not Peter Chow)

Abel: no turtles for you at Christmas.. =/.. but a very Merry Christmas =D.. i'm waiting for more jokes.. xD

The Adlina's (only one)

Sofea: Merrrryyy Christmas!! =D... dont be blur next year kay??? cheer up and enjoy your Christmas.. xD

The Amalina's (only one)

Natasha: Merrry Christmas, nat... =P... enjoy it before next year.. bruno for Christmas eh?? =D

The One and Only Joe

Ivan:Dei, brotha' merry Christmas my man... xD.. enjoy it real good at Christmas... next year's gonna be a ride... and show me the guitar next year.. peace.. and cheers!!. xD

The Tan's

Christa: this is your captain speaking... we are landing in the North Pole and meeting Santa for a Christmas trip..=D... haha, merry Christmas to you anyway.. =D... cheers.. =)

Elisa: elisaaaaarrrrrr!!!.. Merry Christmas!! =D... hope you have a nice and memorable one... the story shall unfold on boxing day kaysss??? xD.. signing off, CIA agent.. =P

Amelia: Merrrrryyy Christmas!!. =D... see you next year, amy.. and the penguin is still cute.. =P

Karuna: Yo sis!!!... xD... Merrrrryy Christmas!! =D... get the bag, girl... =P... and show it to me... xD..cheerss..=D

The Chu's (only one)

Louis: merrryy Christmass!!!..=D... your iPod touch 5mp syok la now.. xD

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

break... i need one...

the title says so...
so i'm gonna break from blogging...
Merry Christmas people...

Sunday, December 5, 2010


only you knew the sleepless nights
only u notice that honest stare
only u notice the sacrifices made
only I knew you deep inside
only I could tell you
only our world's are not so far apart
only i could spend more time with you
only i can understand the deep down
only you knew the person inside
only i could take every moment of you and wrote all of them down
inside me.

what if..